Matty Marz - ‘Lacazette’ | Single Review

June 5 | Written By Jessica Pispisa

If you are a massive football fan and were hoping this review was for a song about the French footballer player, Alexandre Lacazette, this is not that. 

Matty Marz’s new song, Lacazette, is more about empowering and gassing yourself up to conquer the world, as if you were a football forward for Lyon. It will put a pop in your step, while also make one curious of who’s behind it.

Marz is a New York-based pop star in the making. Having a background studying classical music (vocals and composing), and honing her skills in writing, producing, singing and dancing, she is more than equipped to take her place, front and centre, of the stage. With her previous single, EPILL, she has demonstrated she is no longer a student of pop music; she is working her way up the ranks and delivering infectious jams along the way.

Pulsating 808s drive the song along, with vocals performed with a breezy intonation that stay mostly high and drop with a pizzicato rap when she means what she says. Marz mentions that she "hope(s) that ‘Lacazette’ will have the listener feeling like they can conquer the world and shoot that winning goal in ANY situation." As a proud trans woman, it’s fair to say she knows that it takes more than music to help one feel good about themselves, but a good song can help along the way, and with Lacazette, she has kicked the ball straight at the back of the net. The lyrics; Changing all my thoughts/And perspective/Worked hard on myself/Its reflective/I be hitting the gas to go real quick/I be smoking the past are like a truth serum that she injects right in the middle of the song that hint it took a lot of self-work to get here, and she intends to go far. 

The song arrives with a music video a full of choreography, attitude, and football references. The visuals make it clear that she intends to be an all-rounder entertainer, and we can expect a lot more of it in the future. Matty and her friends hit all the marks with confidence and style. You are going to want to be a part of her team.

No need for any more football metaphors. Matty Marz has created a perfect pop song with Lacazette, which will be included in her debut album, m.w.u, later this year. In the meantime, leave this one on repeat until then.

Follow Matty Marz here.

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